The story follows Sid (Riteish Deshmukh) and Adi (Tusshar Kapoor), roommates and good friends. Adi is a struggling actor, whilst Sid is a struggling DJ who admires his own dog Sackru more than himself. Adi falls in love with Simran (Neha Sharma) who works at a call-center, and Sid falls for Anu (Sarah Jane Dias) whom he meets at a fashion show. Then Anu and Simran go to Goa to meet Anu's father, Marlo (Anupam Kher) who has gone mad ever since the death of his mother. In Goa, Baba 3G (Chunky Pandey), a conman posing as a priest tells Marlo that his dead mother has been reincarnated into a female dog. When Adi and Sid take Sackru and follow the girls to Goa and meet Marlo, Sackru copulates with the female dog. Marlo then believes the dog is not his mother as she was so pure and didn't let her husband touch her. However, Baba 3G, not wanting to lose his business, tells Marlo that his father has been reincarnated as Sackru, and Sackru is then kidnapped by Marlo. The film then takes a hilarious turn filled with dirtiness and mayhem in which, soon enough, Sackru takes matters into his own hands.Show more