U/A 7+
"Bilee Gulabi" is a 1984 Indian Kannada film, directed by "G Shivamurthy" and Produced by "L V Rangaswamy".The film Stars "Kalyankumar, Aarathi, Roopadevi, Murali, Anuradha, K S Ashwath (GN), Renuka Bali (HP), Lakshmipriya, Dinesh, Musuri Krishnamurthy, Sundar Krishna Urs, Sadashiva Brahmavar, Mysore Lokesh, Tomato Somu, K M Venkataram, B R Balu, L Siddaramu, Jaggesh, Pranaya Murthy", in lead roles. The film had musical score by "M Ranga Rao". Watch the full Movie, Bilee Gulabi, online, only On Eros Now. Show more